A protective and clean atmosphere in the operation theatre can ensure in maintaining vital functions, prevent dangerous secondary infections and thereby promote healing without any complications.
While surgical care and its outcome can largely depend on various factors, the efficacy of the environment in an operating theatre is highly significant. The features and conditions in an operating theatre can strongly influence the efficiency of the procedure performed and even the overall health of the patient especially concerning prevention of postoperative surgical infections.
General Surgery OT
Here all surgeries related to general surgery, both emergency and planned are being performed. This theatre is equipped with the latest Stryker’s high definition laparoscopy system to perform all basic and advanced laparoscopic surgeries.
Head & Neck OT
Here all surgeries related to head and neck and faciomaxillary region are being performed. These include surgeries for both benign and malignant conditions, endoscopic ENT surgeries and Cochlear implant surgeries. This theatre is equipped with the Karl Storz Endoscopic high definition camera system for performing endoscopic ENT surgeries, Karl Zeiss operating microscope, Microdebridder and Skitter drill for cochlear implant surgeries.
Endoscopy OT
Here all basic and advanced endoscopies are performed, involving both Upper and Lower GI tract. These include both diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. This theatre is equipped with Olympus Videoendoscopy system.
Emergency OT
It is another state of the art operation theatre, right inside the emergency room. Here all types of emergency procedures and lifesaving surgeries are being performed.
Orthopaedic OT
Here all surgeries related to orthopaedics, both trauma and chronic orthopaedic problems are performed. This theatre is equipped with Karl Storz high definition camera system for endoscopic spine surgery, Karl Zeiss operating microsope, fully automatic C-arm image intensifier to see the Xrays of the bones while the patient is being operated upon, power drills and high speed burr.