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What Is OPD?

The Full Form of OPD is the Out Patient Department. OPD is the first intermediary between a patient and the hospital staff. A patient if first taken to the OPD for inspection, then the doctors from the OPD refers them to the respective departments of treatment the patient needs. It is the first contact point for the patients.

Some illnesses or injuries do not require hospitalisation. They can be diagnosed and treated without getting admitted to a hospital, such as dental treatments, fractures, etc. In medical parlance, this is called OPD or Outpatient Department treatment.

In OPD, the patient consults the doctor in their clinic or consultation room of any hospital for treatment or diagnosis of any health issues. There’s no need for hospitalisation. Suppose you have a stomach pain and want to consult a doctor just for a check-up.This can be done in OPD.

OPD Treatment

OPD means an outpatient department, where patients come to the hospital to consult their health issues with the doctor to start the treatment. Patients do not necessarily need to be hospitalized but can visit any medical facility, such as a diagnostic center, consultation room, pharmacy, etc. in the hospital.

You can check out OPD treatment plans and Daycare treatment plans online on our site. Both might sound similar but there is a huge difference between OPD and Daycare Procedures. Read on to know more:

Know the Difference between Day Care and OPD Treatments
It might seem that Day Care treatment and OPD treatment are similar in nature because they involve a lesser time for the treatment. However, there are some differences between the two.One major point of difference between Day Care and OPD treatments is the level of hospitalization. Day Care procedures require you to stay in the hospital or clinic for few hours and even if it takes lesser time. And the same expenses can be claimed to your health insurance provider. If day care treatments are done on an outpatient basis that does not require hospitalization then the claim won’t be permissible under day care procedures.

As we know that OPD treatments do not require hospitalization. All you need to do is visit a clinic or a hospital, avail of the treatment done without getting admitted into the hospital, pay the bills and later file it for reimbursement.

Services Provided by the OPD

OPDs provide all general services and facilities which are necessary for any hospital. OPDs act as the first step for consulting the doctor and getting the tests done to proceed with treatment. Through the services provided in OPD, the hospital works for the smooth functioning of the healthcare system. These services are classified as 

  • Prevention and wellness –
    OPDs provide guidance to the patients for overall wellness and prevention of health issues. Doctors guide patients to maintain a healthy weight, improve sleep, balance sugar levels, etc.
  • Diagnosis –
    OPD is the first place where the patient and doctor meet and discuss the patient’s health condition. After discussing the issue, the doctor suggests the necessary tests for the patient. The lab tests and MRI scans are conducted in the OPD.
  • Treatment –
    Treatment and minor surgeries can be done in the outpatient department. Modern OPD has all the necessary equipment to treat a patient. Surgeries such as cuts, wounds, etc., can be easily handled in the modern OPD.

Benefits of OPD

  • Less Expensive –
    OPD helps saving money as the patient is not admitted and is not required to pay for the bed.
  • Practise field –
    OPD acts as the practice ground for the new doctors to learn medicine. It even supports paramedical and nursing staff.
  • Good Service –
    The quality of service provided at the OPD is good as the staff is well-trained. Moreover, the patient can conduct a diagnosis and get consultancy from a doctor at the same place.
  • Easy Access –
    People can easily access medical facilities and practitioners through the outpatient department. Moreover, the outpatient department fees are very much affordable.

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